Carpet Samples Are NOT Always Color Accurate

Different dye lots produce subtle differences in tint.

Carpet Samples: What You See is NOT Always What You Get

The only way to know the exact color ahead of installation is to request a cutting for approval (CFA) of the dye lot you intend to order.

The other day, I was showing a client Bedford Cord carpet from Crescent. It’s a beautiful carpet.

We looked at one sample, but she wanted to see other colors. So, naturally, I got the sample board out.

Lo and behold, the two samples labeled ‘silver’ were NOT the same color. One was a warm gray and the other a cool silver.

Obviously, this is a great example of a dye lot difference. Dye lot differences can be a big problem if you’re very particular about color or trying to match fabrics.

In these cases, it’s important to remember the non-WYSIWYG principle. What you see is NOT always what you get.

The solution is to ask for what we call a ‘cutting for approval’ or CFA. It doesn’t cost very much and you’ll be confident that the color of that cutting will genuinely match the color of the carpet that you’ll receive. That’s because they’ll both be from the same dye lot!

If you have any questions about carpet selection or dye lots, give us a call at (401) 324-9215 or come visit our Middletown showroom. We’re happy to provide you free advice.

Cutting for Approval Example
Example of Two Different Dye Lots, Both Labeled 'Silver' Color

Carpet Questions?

Call Ken at (401) 324-9215 or fill out the form below for free advice.