Banks Peninsula Farms

Exact color matching with New Zealand wool carpet.

Match Paint or Upholstery Colors to this NZ Wool Carpet

13 New Zealand Wool Farmers Bring You the Strongest, Whitest Wool

What makes Banks Peninsula Farms so exciting? In short, you can get custom-color high-end New Zealand wool for very little additional money.

The company provides color blankets full of hundreds of different colors—including blue, red and green blankets filled with numerous hues and shades.

A designer recently visited us with a drapery fabric that featured a blue elephant pattern. We were able to find just the right blue to match the drapes. You can easily do the same thing with paint and upholstery colors.

Now, there’s no limit to your ability to zero in on the exact color choice you want for your carpet. The next time you want a nearly exact color match, remember to take a look at Banks Peninsula Farms.

If you’d like to learn more about products from Banks Peninsula Farms, give us a call at (401) 324-9215 or come see it in our Middletown showroom.

Color Blankets & Matching

Elephant Drapery Matched to Blue Carpet
Unique Patterns with Custom Colors
Red Color Blanket
Green Color Blanket
Blue Color Blanket

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